Wednesday, February 27, 2013

07.03.2013 Thursday: CHIKITSA for 2012-13 Batch
Ashtanga Hridaya chikitsa sthana

Treatment Principles-Dravya & Adravya Chikitsa
Yogas said in a chapter should be written at the end of the concerned chapter
Yogas with their main drug,
Kalpana (eg:Drakshadi kashayam-Phanta/Seeta not kwatha)
Indication of a said yoga in other places-(eg: Drakshadi kashayam as mantha in rakthapitta chikitsa-Mention it in both place jwara & raktha pitta)
Hareethaki ppn with their number in it(eg: Agasthya Rasayanam-100 Hareethaki)
Main Indications of the Yoga
Rasayanas used, eg:Pippali rasayana in kshata kasa etc...
Silajathu preparations with their anupans
Duration of a drug used(eg: in sopha chikitsa ardraka gudam)
Kshara ppns-where it is used